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The 50 Most Gorgeous Running Races in America, State by State.The 50 Most Gorgeous Running Races in America, State by State

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Most scenic races in the us - most scenic races in the us.America’s 21 Most Scenic Trail Races


Large group of happy marathon runners taking a part in race in nature. Further, moving our bodies, working up a sweat, and getting outside is a great way to not only appreciate a new area, but also to build up an appetite and sleep better at night. Planning a trip around a half marathon will add adventure and deeper meaning to your overall travel experience. Volunteers will hand you cups of water. Local musicians and performers will, perhaps, provide entertainment.

Families will be cheering alongside the route, holding hand-made signs and offering high-fives. After the Race: Relax at the beach, visit La Jolla Underwater Park, climb down the hidden stairs to Sunny Jim Sea Cave, and have a filling healthy lunch at any one of the coastal restaurants. Make time for dining, shopping, and entertainment at Disney Springs.

Sunset over vineyards in California's wine country. Sonoma county, California. We love visiting wineries not only for the tastings, but also for the views. What could be better than spending the morning running past vineyards, working farms, and sprawling ranches in wine country? This curvaceous route, which begins at Cuvaison Carneros Winery, is dynamic and challenging. After the Race: Plan on attending the post-race wine festival, included in the admission price.

Supporters of the non-profit, Girls on the Run, a program that encourages young girls to train and complete a 5K race, the Maui Half Marathon not only inspires the local Hawaiian community but also America as a whole.

The race kicks off at the Kaanapali Beach Hotel, travels south through Lahaina toward Laniupoko Park, and then returns north back to the beach property. After the Race: Activities abound in Maui, from surfing and stand-up paddle boarding to snorkeling and diving to some of the most stunning sunsets in the world. Colorful Colorado is a state full of residents who run and there are numerous half marathons to choose from, which take place year-round.

Tips for running at high altitude, for racers that live at lower elevations, include running at a slower place, staying hydrated, arriving early to acclimate and knowing where the race aid stations are positioned along the course.

After the Race: Nature and wildlife are the major draws for Colorado, no matter what time of year. While the first half is all about the Golden Gate Bridge views, the second half takes you through the quintessential neighborhoods, including Haight-Ashbury and the Mission District. This is a BETA experience. You may opt-out by clicking here. More From Forbes. Oct 7, , pm EDT. Oct 7, , am EDT. Edit Story. I cover travel, adventure, and culture across the globe, specializing in nature and the great outdoors.

Follow this author to stay notified about their latest stories. Got it! Jan 8, , pm EST. Check out my website.

Wendy Altschuler.



Best Trail Runs in the U.S.: The 6 Most Scenic Routes | Spartan Race


The United States covers a lot of space geographically, and we are lucky enough to have vast wildernesses set aside for recreation and preservation. With this in mind, there are countless wonderful trail races from coast to coast that weave throughout these beautiful landscapes.

In this post, we provide a guide to the best trail races in the United States. Yes…in the entire world. Now, imagine hanging out with a bunch of people who share your passion for trail running, and getting the opportunity to run around those rock formations.

That is exactly what the Moab Trail Marathon offers. Below we outline the available distances you can enter. Whether you are looking to compete for a win in any of the categories, or you are just going to take in the beautiful scenery, this race does not disappoint. Check out the results from past racesor start looking into registering. Ссылка на продолжение only has this race become renown among trail runners in the United States, but it has become a world famous race due to its inclusion как сообщается здесь the Golden Trail Racing Series.

The Golden Trail Racing Series is essentially the World Cup of trail running, as elite runners compete in a series of trail runs taking place on six continents, as they compete to be the best trail runner in the world. Learn more about the course for both the Ascent and the Marathon by taking a look at the Pikes Peak Course Information page. Because the Pikes Peak Ascent and Marathon have become so popular most scenic races in the us - most scenic races in the us trail runners across the world, you will have to first meet minimum qualification standards to be considered.

Are you a fan of mountain running? Do you love steep ascents and bombing down hills at incredible speed? It gets steep out there, and this trail racing event capitalizes on its position relative to the Appalachian ranges. Taking place at the second largest mountain in Pennsylvania, Blue Knob, this race definitely deserves to be on our list. Take a look below to see what distances you can register for.

Not all awesome trail races take place in canyons, or on mountains. Why is this a hidden gem? Primarily because the race is located in Ohio, not necessarily considered a hub of competitive trail running. With the above being said, the Leave No Trace Half and Full Marathon takes place at Camp Manatoc surrounded by The Cuyahoga Valley National Park, which is home to lush deciduous forest, creek crossings, miles of single track, and a surprising amount of elevation change through the courses distance.

Another reason this race makes our list is that it is a part of the Midwest Trail Racing Festival. So bring your tent, your recovery gels, and a good spirit because this even is truly worth spending time at.

Below are the available races at this event:. One of the на этой странице aspects of this trail race is its connection to a larger sponsor. Located in the heart of the Green Mountains, the Адрес страницы Mountain Marathon offers a unique trail racing experience in what might be one of the most quaint races on our list.

Having the race in October also ensures a likelihood адрес страницы you will be running in some nice brisk temperatures. Vermont is supposed to be an awesome place to visit, so maybe its time to build a trip around this unique trail race. Are you in the Southwest and looking for a most scenic races in the us - most scenic races in the us popular trail race with tons of single track and landscape variation?

Not surprisingly in a race that takes place in and around a Canyon, you will have a lot of exposure on the most scenic races in the us - most scenic races in the us so paying attention to where your feet hit will be very important.

Point-to-Point races always keep the race interesting. They may not be the rockies, but they will feel rocky enough when taking on the approximately 18 miles of course for the Mount Magazine Trail Run in Arkansas. Taking place near Signal Point, which is the взято отсюда point in the entire state, you will be sure to experience amazing views, deep forest, and some good elevation gain.

You can check out the results from to see if the times would be in line with your level нажмите для продолжения competition. Keep this in mind if you are trying to select a trail race for a competitive experience. Below are the available distances you could register for. Take note of the killer elevation gains required of runners for any of the four distances you could register for.

Since this is a three trail running festival as well, you should consider going for altamont ny forecast - altamont ny forecast fun alone.

Three days, people who love what you love, and some of the most beautiful trail scenery in the country. Check out the full weekend of events to see what fun you would be in for. California is a huge state, and its landscapes change drastically depending on where you are located.

For the Skyline to the Sea Trail Races the name expresses that you try to capture as many of these natural landscapes as possible in a single run. As you might expect, there is a ton of variety in scenery throughout this course; Monteray Bay, redwood forest, insane sandstone formations, and more are all part of the course.

Taking place in Los Alamos, New Mexico on and around Jemez Mountain the scenery is great, and there are a number of distances you could register for. If you are in or around New Mexico and looking to take in some of the sights Jemez Mountain offers you should look into registering for this trail race. What makes this trail race so unique?

This is rare even for some high profile races, as bridle trail, double wide track, and even some small roads exist as a part of the course for many trail races. Not at the Uwharrie Mountain Run, where single track rules. One other notable about this race is that it is a winter race.

After all, if it is between running that distance when it is 40 degrees vs a summer run of degrees, which would you pick? If you happen to place high enough to win one of the awards at this trail race you will get to experience another unique aspect of this race: Handmade Pottery Awards. Are you intrigued by this trail race?

Check out more information about the course, trail warnings, and more here: Uwharrie Course Information. The Escarpment Trail Run is not for the lighthearted.

In fact, this By that I mean that this race does not give awards out at the finish line, and there are no age-group categories. Instead, you are to derive enjoyment from your run and accomplishment in finishing.

They do keep times, and winners from past events are posted on their website along with results from past years. This is truly a difficult route. It IS a rugged hiking route with extremely difficult terrain to complete. This race does not include road crossings, includes 10, ft.

Not all great trail races need to be marathon distance. For читать полностью wanting to take part in a посетить страницу источник race in the Allegheny region of the перейти на источник, this should be on your shortlist.

Below are the available distances you can run at this race event. Both the 10k and half-marathon are comprised of single track, double wide track, bridal trails, stream crossings, and beautiful scenery.

If you want to learn more about this Appalachian race, check out the course map to get a better feel for what this race has to offer. This reputation, most scenic races in the us - most scenic races in the us the course itself is the reason we have decided to include a 5k on this list of great trail races in the US. The race takes place at Mount Marathon and includes a 3, ft. Check out this увидеть больше course map. Just how steep is the ascent and descent for this race?

It might be a short race, but Alaska is a beautiful state so you could build an entire vacation around this short distance. Skip to content. Moab Trail Marathon, Utah. Pikes Peak Ascent and Marathon, Colorado. Available Distances As you can tell from the name of the event there are multiple events at this race. The Ascent: Essentially the entire half-marathon course is going up-hill. Because this half is so physically demanding, and because the ascent draws interest from all over the world, there is some qualifying required if you are wanting to enter this race.

The Marathon: That is to say, the first half of the race will be completely up-hill. The second half of the race, however, is going right back down the mountain. This means you will be really putting the work on your legs as you spend half the race going straight up, andthe other half going straigh down.

Rock n' Knob Challenge, Pennsylvania. Below are the available races at this event: Available Distances 5k 10k Trapp Mountain Marathon, Vermont. Ссылка Distances Half-marathon: Consists of ft. Full-marathon: Two loops of the half-marathon route.

Mount Magazine Trail Run, Arkansas. The Rut Mountain Runs, Montana. Available Distances 5k: Includes 3, ft. This could be considered more of an ascent than anything else 11k: Includes 1, ft. Uwharrie Mountain Run, North Carolina. Below we go through the distances available at this trail race Available Distances places to stay downtown asheville north carolina - places to stay downtown asheville north carolina mile 20 mile 40 mile If you happen to place high enough to win one of the awards at this trail race you will get to experience another unique aspect of this race: Handmade Pottery Awards.

Escarpment Trail Run, New York. Seward's Mount Marathon Race, Alaska.


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